Originally posted by EThugg
It could be said 4/5 of PS2\'s games will be on XB, so why not ditch PS2 and go with the more powerful system. Just playing devils advocate.
a.) I seriously doubt 4/5 PS2 game will be ported to the XBox. I\'m sure quite a few will, but 4/5 is stretching it tremndously, Maybe more like 2/5.
b.) Xbox has its strengths but the PS2 obviously will have its strengths. Xbox might have more polished graphics but it could fall short in other departments. Graphics and a HD do not make a console more powerful in all categories, and the PS2\'s EE is still a beast not close to being tamed
On the the thread topic note:
I have an Xbox pre-ordered but I seriously doubt I will get it at Launch. I would have to sacrafice abour 10 PS2 titles just to play XBox this Nov. I\'ll just wait and grap one on a price break. I honestly barely have time to play my PS2 as much as I want.
ANOTHER thing. For those who are thinking about putting XBox\'s up on Ebay at launch. I doubt the demand for XBox at launch will come close to the PS2\'s demand last Oct - Jan. SO don\'t expect to make any sort of a killing. GC will probably be in higher demand this Xmas season