I download. Demos. Shareware. Freeware. Movies. Info. and updates for my programs and system programs.
I aslo have another person on my connection. we pay for 2 ips. But knowning telstra. they will HALF our downloads.
U see. Just BROWSING the net downloads stuff into your cache. 3gig /2 for 2 people = 1.5 gig a month..
now that\'s about 50meg download a day per person..
I download more then that just browsing.. It\'s B@LLSH@T.
If u have cable and u don\'t download stuff. Then why bother with cable.. Seems stupid to me. Just get 56k connection for your browsing.
I\'m always downloading demos or movies. Being clips etc. (not of porn) normaly of demostrations and game clips.
I also download heaps of stuff to do with MUGEN.. a 2d fighter game maker. I\'ve download 800meg in the last 2 weeks just for that alone.
Also, They cap your SPEED to the net.. say there\'s a t3 connection for a court (being mine) and only 5 people are on the connection. That\'s not much being used. So there BS on people using up other peoples bandwidth is a load of crap. They CAP your speed. How can u be using there bandwitdh..
telstra.... u pricks.