Levan said:
"Hell I even love my homophobic friend Bozco (very much in fact)."That was funny...
Bozco said:
"...hey we agree on something and Lavan keep atleast 10 feet away from me at all times."That was funnier!!!
Okay, new level of discussion...the soundtrack! Jeez! I realize I\'m a geezer on these forums, but I like most of today\'s music. But holy Christ! I bought this soundtrack (no, I\'ve yet to see the movie -- having been around the block once or twice I believe I\'ve come to recognize a good correlation between poor action movies & "glitzy" marketing commercials that show all 15 minutes of the best parts of the movie). Back to the soundtrack... I own a Honda Goldwing w/ a CD player in one of the saddlebags...I could not believe what I heard over and over and over again. How can one -- strike that, MANY -- song(s) have the word "nig-ah" (no offense meant, right now damn it!!! it in the soundtrack, okay!?) in it more that this??? And if it ain\'t that word, it the "F" word. Now I\'m a grownup...and I say F*** all the time; don\'t get me wrong... but riding an open-air Goldwing (and blaring the sound to hear it through a helmet) you just shouldn\'t play this kinda sh!t in public. Not in downtown Richmond anyway!
Now I\'m sure many will find the soundtrack rokz. Hmmm... You know how some here argue about movies needing to have plot & character development & stuff? Well, to me music needs to be something more than notes... And filling a CD up with nothing more substantial than hate just floors me.