Originally posted by Jumpman
2. Didn\'t he say all three systems were similar in terms of power?(yes he did)
But he always says that! Check out
any interview at anytime and Hideo says the same thing when asked about the power of current/new consoles.
He speaks from the point of view of a games designer, and from that point of view, all the consoles are the same to him. He\'s not saying the XBox, PS2 and GC are
actually the same in terms of power, but that they offer him about the same in terms of the games he wants to design.
Here\'s an interview from last year;
http://www.computerandvideogames.com/feature.cfm?sid=1723Hideo: "However, the hardware capabilities (graphics, processing speed, etc.) among PS2, DC, and Dolphin do not differ that much. The same is true with Internet and DVD-playing capabilities."
Hmmm.... So, does this
really mean the power between the
Dreamcast, GameCube and PS2 are all about the same?
No, he says;
"What makes the difference is how we creators make use of these machines to their maximum capabilities."
That\'s the point!.
Hence when Hideo says all the consoles are the same, he doesn\'t mean it literally.
(That\'s all from me for now.