MagicBox is wrong. It is pre-rendered. I posted a link earlier.
Sorry, I watched the movie again... Without a doubt pre-rendered. Its not 100 percent realtime.
I played RE 1,2 and 3 and honestly, its time to move on. Its the same thing and the graphics are pre-rendered.
I know that some might be Nintendo fans and are wishing for the graphics and gameplay to be revolutionary, but its the same thing we have been playing for the past 5 years. At least DMC is realtime and has new gameplay.
CGN fans are grasping at straws here, nothing new to see really. Whats the big deal? I guess if you like Nintendo you have to get excited about anything because there is nothing to be excited about.
Its like being excited about Tomb Raider and it having the same playablity that the original has had and a ton of pre-rendered animation loops playing and static backgrounds. Any person who is talented can make animation loops and static backgrounds. Pre-rendered artwork cheapen games.
If you are that desperate for any good news for Nintendo than fine, but I honestly can\'t say that I care for anything on gamecube other than RS2. All games on the gamecube do not interest me, they are the same gameplay, same software thats always on there and only RS2 is a awesome title to buy.
Want to see how to make a game? Rouge Squadron 2 is the real reason to buy a gamecube, not the pre-rendered fake, static, non interactive, old gameplay, static gameplay games.
Lets move on and not go backwards, Lets progress.....
I am not against Nintendo, nor am I playing sour grapes, I just don\'t know what all the fuss is about. I have RE123 and played them and I think its time to move on.... Notice how they moved on with DMC? I rest my case....