Originally posted by Megiddo
There is NO war...Gamers have already cast their vote, and they have given sony a land-slide victory...
What, with 15.000.000+ consoles sold, with about 99% of every single third partie in their back pocket begging to get a piece of the pie, sophsticated online plan, second-to-none in innovation and choice...
There is NO WAR...Playstation2 is the champ, and you should all jubilate this event.
Xbox vs? Gamecube?...No war either, it\'s laughable to suggest xbox will beat the sales of Gamecube, it\'s just not a smart thing to do.
So all in all...there is no "war"...just a celebration Sony will experience for the next 4 years:)
Don\'t just consider sales. Sales can be affected by price. The actual capabilities of, and games for, the consoles are more important.
If this helps, here\'s a list of every "generation" of console that I know of:
4-bit generation: Atari 2600 etc.
8-bit generation: Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo Game Boy (portable) etc.
16-bit generation: Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Genesis
64-bit generation (introduction of disc-based systems and color portables): Sony PlayStation (disc-based), Nintendo 64 [introduction of 8-bit Game Boy Color]
Early 128-bit generation: Sega Dreamcast (disc-based)
Middle 128-bit generation: Sony PlayStation 2 (disc-based)
Late 128-bit generation: Microsoft X-Box, Nintendo Gamecube (all disc-based) [introduction of 32-bit Game Boy Advance] [PlayStation 3 to come later]