Well, technically speaking, even such a huge head start doesn\'t neccessarily confirm that a system will win. After all, the Genesis had a some 15,000,000 system lead on the SNES when the SNES was first released as well. This has to do with a lot fo factors, though I feel that this is the most notable: PS2 has virtually no competition right now, so of course it is selling well; when the competition does arrive those sales will likely slow.
Not that this doesn\'t mean PS2 can\'t be the most successful--on the contrary, it doesn\'t mean anything of the sort. PS2 will have an easier time being successful than any other current console, not only because of this head start in terms of systems sold but also in terms of it\'s head start in the games area. Just think; Sony could start a "Greatest Hits" type thing with marked down titles that would in turn increase console sales a whole year or so before Nintendo or Microsoft (theoretically). Plus they simply have a large library of games established when both other consoles have libraries of zero. They will still retain this head start in terms of the number of released games until the console \'war\' is over.
Not that PS2 will rule all; it\'s feasible that NGC or Xbox would even come close in sales. At this point it\'s very hard to judge, based off of past events. We\'ll just have to check out the situation in about a year (it\'ll be here before we all know it, trustith me) and see what pace everything is on then--at that point we will be able to make far more accurate predictions. Now we\'re predicting the futures of consoles that haven\'t even been released, a very hard thing to do.