I\'d rather have ten good games than 100 worthless games. The thing is, the situation isn\'t such that there is five great games on Nintendo\'s system, and 1000 horrible on each rival company\'s system. Rather, Nintendo has ten good games, and the competiors have 100 games, dispersed in different amounts, many of those games being nearly as superb or even surpassing Nintendo\'s games.
Nintendo has a lower number of games, but they put enough effort into the majority of them to make sure they are worth purchase, to be certain they are excellent. The competitors have a higher number of games, and while the majority may not be excellent thanks to developers rushing them out to the market with no thought at all, there still ends up being an immense number of great games in the end, thanks to third party and in-house developers just as devout in their game making. In the end, both Nintendo\'s system and competitors holding a higher number of games\'s systems release plenty of great games, regardless of their situations.