You may not have said wrong and right, but your statements were worded just as matter-of-factly as mine. You said this is how it is, I said this is how it is. This is a message board, and everything posted here outside of quotes are personal opinions and should be taken as such. Pointing out otherwise is just semantics.
I already told you why you are "wrong" for your opinion.

You may have 20 keys close, but you are taking your finger off movement keys, even if it is just a half a second. Besides many of those keys could (should?) be used for weapon selection or movement macros (eg rocket jumping, rocket launching, etc.)
Your example of text versus voice is colourful, but really not accurate.
You are not talking about your day or reading "Great Expectations" to each other--you are relaying quick, detailed messages that fit every situation you find yourself in. There is a good reason why most clans use voice over text.
Besides, like I said sometime you just want to sit back and chat with a friend while you are fragging his/her ass.