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Author Topic: Anyone Playing Halo Online?  (Read 2014 times)

Offline Chrono
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Anyone Playing Halo Online?
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2002, 04:31:08 AM »
>"were gonna need a keyboard to chat right?

you dont wanna be punching in one letter at a time with yer xbox controller"

No, they want people to use voice command.. :laughing:
*imagines the confusion of 6 + voices at once along with outside influences*

Offline Watchdog
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Anyone Playing Halo Online?
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2002, 05:04:45 AM »
Actually Chrono, if you\'ve ever used Roger Wilco or Fire Talk for PC shooters, it works quite well.  I love how you speak from positions of ignorance.
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Offline mm
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Anyone Playing Halo Online?
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2002, 06:25:56 AM »
we tied using roger wilco in my Q3 clan, and we dropped it after 2 matches

1 - it sucks up bandwidth that could be used for packets
2 - yer too busy playing

voice communication = gimmick
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Offline Watchdog
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Anyone Playing Halo Online?
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2002, 06:58:53 AM »
Well my clan used it for Q3 and UT.  All the top clans use voice in UT--I know that for sure without a doubt (as of a year and a half ago when I still played).  With broadband and firetalk the bandwidth isn\'t an issue.  My clan was 5th OGL and 3rd in Prooving Grounds with voice, without we were in the teens.

To say voice is a gimmick isn\'t fair or accurate.
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Offline Ryu
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Anyone Playing Halo Online?
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2002, 07:14:49 AM »
About 90% of the clans are the same way and prefer voice communication to typing anything.  The problem is that there isn\'t any really good voice programs out there worth using, and since it\'s only good for clan matches, it\'s like the minority of the minority putting it to any good use.  Chances are though, even IF you\'re using voice command in most matches, you already have a plan and can run the map so well that a single typed word can change strategy completely.

- I know, this is what we do in Counter-Strike.  Shingoku and I can run a map so long as we tell each other which direction were going in and stick together.  After that, it\'s fairly easy.  Of course, leveling out your cross so you get 80% headshots with the AK-47 helps too.
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Offline mm
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Anyone Playing Halo Online?
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2002, 07:40:28 AM »
*cough*  ever hear of macros?

i need silence when i play.  i depend on hearing footsteps and weapon fire, not some dude chattering in my ear

stratedgy in team games is zone based, or follow based

either you cover a specific area, OR you follow and defend the FC OR follow and attack the EFC

you dont need to speak where yer going, thats what the HUD is for
\"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.\" - Clemenza

Offline Watchdog
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Anyone Playing Halo Online?
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2002, 09:18:53 AM »
That\'s right mm, all the top clans are wrong; you are correct.

Ever play teamfortress on 2forts and get scout-water rushed?  Try your zone coverage for that.

The beauty of playing with thinking oponents is that they improvise and no matter how good your macros are, you can\'t cover every contingency, every possible plan of attack.

And you make it sound as if there is constant chatter.  You say what needs to be said and get off the air.  You still can hear footsteps (although, really, how much how often does that help?) and other game sounds.  Instead of getting a message (which you have to read) "FC going right" you get a far more detailed message from anything from suspected health to weapon.

Just the fact that you have to take your finger away from your keyboard and hit a marco is time that you could be doing something else.  I\'ve been blwowna way many times while typing or hitting a macro (people whine constantly about this in pubs.).

Or for team practices, typing becomes a pain.

And then there\'s the times I play SC or RA with friends and we just sit and chat while playing--again much better than typing.

Voice is better and prefered, no matter what you say,.
Language services three functions. The first is to
communicate ideas. The second is to conceal ideas. The
third is to conceal the absence of ideas.

Offline mm
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Anyone Playing Halo Online?
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2002, 10:25:21 AM »
why bring "wrong and right" into this discussion, you do that alot with other discussions too

im merely stating my opinion that voice communication = teh suk!1!!!

why am i "wrong" for feeling that macros are more practical

you got well over 20 keys within reach of yer movement keys, why not use them?

here\'s an example of text vs voice

mm : need assistance in lower base

 : "HELP! *static*! IM ABOUT TO *gibberish*"
and god forbid 3-4 people talk at the same time

\"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.\" - Clemenza

Offline Watchdog
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Anyone Playing Halo Online?
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2002, 02:27:44 PM »
You may not have said wrong and right, but your statements were worded just as matter-of-factly as mine.  You said this is how it is, I said this is how it is.  This is a message board, and everything posted here outside of quotes are personal opinions and should be taken as such.  Pointing out otherwise is just semantics.

I already told you why you are "wrong" for  your opinion. :)

You may have 20 keys close, but you are taking your finger off movement keys, even if it is just a half a second.  Besides many of those keys could (should?) be used for weapon selection or movement macros (eg rocket jumping, rocket launching, etc.)

Your example of text versus voice is colourful, but really not accurate.

You are not talking about your day or reading "Great Expectations" to each other--you are relaying quick, detailed messages that fit every situation you find yourself in.  There is a good reason why most clans use voice over text.

Besides, like I said sometime you just want to sit back and chat with a friend while you are fragging his/her ass.
Language services three functions. The first is to
communicate ideas. The second is to conceal ideas. The
third is to conceal the absence of ideas.

Offline mm
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Anyone Playing Halo Online?
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2002, 05:29:43 PM »
yeah, we use it in practices and just messing around
but in matchtime, its text only

and even then we keep the chatter down to not distract
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Offline EmperorRob
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Anyone Playing Halo Online?
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2002, 08:17:20 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu
Of course, leveling out your cross so you get 80% headshots with the AK-47 helps too.
I HATE AK\'S!!11!

I hardly ever read chat in CS b/c it\'s all
12yrold:"You camping fag"
9yrold:"We beat you 18 times"
12yrold:"Cause you are a damn fag"
8yrold:"you got owned"
10yrold:"Your mom, b!tch"

They are all so smart I don\'t want to say anything dumb.
This is America and I can still pay for sex with pennies


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