true dat, Ryu.
When I get paid, my next system becomes GC, unless some oldie catches my eye at the local import/used game shop.
I am going to say with great clarity that not all PS2 use the trademark backgrounds. MGS2, Half Life, Ace Combat 4, etc all exhibit great visual quality, but they are in a great minority among the PS2\'s library, which, I am afraid to say, is becoming PSX\'s library.
The greatest system ever, IMO, may just turn out to be GBA. Street Fighter Alpha 3, Phantasy Star Collection, Monkey Ball, Virtua Tennis, Final Fantasy Tactics, Mario Brothers 3 (droollllll!!), Breath of Fire 2, Crazy Taxi (could be good, you never know), V-Rally 3, Metroid IV, etc. are all coming out within the next year or so, with tons of others on the way! Pity I can\'t enjoy playing them with a real controller, or six buttons (grumble!! SFA3!!), but this is becoming my most played console (- the DC of course) of this generation.
GC is looking to be using some of it\'s untold power coming up. The library already can provide some great multiplayer opportunities, though. Although, I gotta disagree with you on the diversity part. XBox and PS2 have a far greater diversity, it seems. GC is looking out to be a platformer/sports system, which is fine with me, make it kind of like the genny.
Eric Jacob