Not owning either, I don\'t strickly qualify to answer but would like to bring up a point that never seems to get mentioned about GC. Looking at kiosks with Luigis Mansion and Pikmin running shows the NGC has a unique look to it. In both of those games the animated characters have a roundness to them that is well defined, not always quite perfect though much more pronounced than I\'ve seen so far in any games on xbox. It\'s a nice touch and a much needed change of pace from the angular look I so often end up noticing in most games. I think it must be one of the things developers are talking about when they say all three consoles will have their strengths and weakness.
A quote from the link Bizio gave:
Short story long, neither console is an absolute slam-dunk winner over the other. Each has its respective upsides and downsides, although all told, I\'d have to give the technical edge to Xbox.
Unless one is playing fast and loose with the English language, superior is hardly a good choice of words to use as a substitute for "edge". The use of the word superior to describe xbox would imply the GC should be thought of as inferior or poor. Even when speaking "potentially", it just ain\'t right. No way, nuh-uh