Originally posted by QuDDus
First of all wreckless and some other game that is not important goes multi-console and that means all the developers are jumping ship? Oh please that is stupid and rediculas to say.
Second Cloud malice was been said a long time ago to be multi-console. So this very very old news. Microsoft was once going to publish this game for xbox. But for some reason decided not too. Thus rumors of the game going to other consoles came about.
Anyways Malice was built from the ground up on xbox. It will not look the same on any other console. So if it does go it won\'t be the same.
I see you call people stupid a lot for their pro-PS2 slant on things. Perhaps you should realize that:
A) This is a PS2 dominated board.
You DON\'T know what it will look like on PS2. Personally, if they have to software processes like bump mapping, I think they\'re probably going to have to make that up somewhere else, and that\'ll be difficult, but not impossible. I\'m sure that these guys know what they\'re doing, and even if it\'s not "the same," it may be close enough that it doesn\'t matter.
C) He didn\'t say DEVs are jumping ship (we know they aren\'t), and his view that this \'could be the beginning of the end\' is just that...
his viewpoint.
D) The way Wreckless has been Xbox promoted (the commercial states "only on XBox," which is true... for now), it is a surprise that MS would allow this title to go multiconsole, since it\'s one of their better selling games right now.