Playing the ending again last night, a bunch of thoughts went through my mind:
- when Kimahri left Tidus and Yuna alone in that pond, what if they actually had sex? Could Yuna be carrying Tidus\' unborn child?
- Could Tidus actually have been a summon? When Jecht is defeated, Yu Yevon attempts to possess the other aeons. You then have to destroy them in order to get him to show himself. After all of Yuna\'s aeons are gone, why not just possess Tidus?
- But on the flip side, after Sin dies and Yuna begins her "ultimate sending", all of the aeons are shown floating around. The game then moves to a scene showing the statues in each temple as they solidfy into stone. As each does, the fayth vanish, then the respective aeon "dies", or bursts into pyreflies. After that, the game shifts to the wall of fayth (on Mt Gagazet). As that wall solidfies a bunch of watery-looking orbs float off screen, each containing a person. Tidus is one of those people. He then fades into pyreflies and dives off the ship. So that makes him a summon?