If you thought the Tyrant battle in RE:CV was hard, than you just sucked at the game. How hard is it to unload some heavy weapons and then push an enemy out of the hatch? Geeze.
As for the door loading scenes, it is there for an effect. Yeah, they could of had a scene where it just went black or something saying "Now Loading", but it isn\'t near as intense as goin\'t o a door, opening it and it opening slowly. It provides suspense.
As for the controls - that\'s personaly preference. But I tend to agree with Bobby and Ashford. I prefer the RE control scheme over the DMC one, espically in a survival horror.
Oh and Silent Hill sucks. Terrible enemy design and a over use of fog.
Well, I take that back. Silent Hill was great. Silent HilL 2 was just downright boring.