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Author Topic: Looters Ransack Iraq\'s National Library  (Read 1179 times)

Offline Green Meanie
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Looters Ransack Iraq\'s National Library
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2003, 08:28:37 AM »
Originally posted by luckee
On the opposite side of the spectrum though...If it doesnt come out now, the 25 years of oppression will come out sooner or later.

Better now than later.

That\'s quite true, one quote I remember was "this war will create a hundred Bin Ladens". If people didn\'t vent their shaken-coke-can emotions in this way it might be worse.

Why don\'t the US army line all of Saddams busts and statues up in the desert and allow every iraqi a few shots at them from a mounted machine gun on top of a Humvie, that\'d sure as hell make me feel better.

Offline Simchoy
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Looters Ransack Iraq\'s National Library
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2003, 12:01:13 PM »
Also, there are reports that, first, the looting isn\'t as bad as it was reported. Second, the looters had keys to the vaults in the first place. Hmmmmmmmmm. Why would common citizens have keys? Maybe it was an inside job?

Now, first, yes, it is still a tragedy (inside job or not), but at the same time, IMO, it is not worth the lives of American troops (who are STILL fighting a war while the museum is looted). Not to mention, the reports that, Saddam probably have looted the stuff BEFORE the war, leaving only replicas.
Opinions are not important.


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