But it\'s not acceptable, Iraq is a country that could have a really rosy future if they just restained themselves as we do most of the time. We vote, we watch the results, we deal with it for four years, simple as that. Wheras in Iraq they will riot, loot, vote, riot, loot, vote etc..... I know their methods are different to ours but I\'m sure courtesy and restraint are words in arabic.
It seems that not even common sense has made it\'s way to iraq yet, I know they haven\'t been able to think for themselves for 25 years and there is a lot of emotion coming out but to destroy your newly liberated country is c*ntish, what about the ones not looting and rioting, they\'re downtrodden again, only this time by the very people they lived in fear with, having all things nice in every major city trashed and spoiling it for everyone.
Do they not think it would annoy an exiled Saddam more to run the country perfectly and without damage rather than play right into his hands, he now thinks even more highly of himself and is having a good laugh at their expense.