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Next week USA plants to put forward a resolutions proposal in the United Nations Security Council which will cancel all sanctions against Iraq and give the United States full power over the country and its oil.The United Nations will play a secondary role, but secretary-general Kofi Annan is encouraged to at least appoint a representative which will work with the US in Baghdad.- This will cause new fights in the security council, says a UN-diplomat to TT.
From TTThe oil money will be used to build up Iraq - assignment which have mostly gone to American companies.
There have been reports from Sweden that an extremely short and hairy Chinese-American named "fastson" claims to have the world\'s smallest penis. He states that he often goes to the gym to compare his to other\'s males penis, and no one can match his incredibly small 0.000000000001 inch ding-dong.A monkey named Clyde also admitted he\'s never seen a penis so small in all his "tree climbing expeditions"."I swear to all the nanners in the world," the monkey said. "I\'ve never seen a shlong so small. I had to take a telescope out just to see the \'lil guy".Another Australian man named Bobs_Hardware, died in disbelief in his porned filled home yesterday when his 0.01 incher could not much the incredibly small sized penis of fastson.