hmm.. How can one base facts simply on there opinions
A lot of people think the characters in X2 were quite developed and people could relate with certain aspects of them on some level. Also explain to me how you can fit in tones of character development based on a series that\'s been running for years in 2 hours? The series was a continuation type structure. You pretty much have to watch a certain amount of the series to understand characters, plots etc. With movies they have to try and fit it into a certain amount of time. Personally I thought xmen2 was well done and not just mindless action, they had backgrounds on certain characters while none on others, just like the comic books/cartoons. One episode could be totally based on Cyclops while the next could be storm.. Problem with comic to movie translations is people expect way too much, they have all this background and knowledge on how the movie should be, rather then how it is. When going into a movie with these kinds of expectations, you\'ll always be disappointed.
I’ve been a X-men fan for years, but I never expected to much. I don’t with any movie. If so, Spiderman would have been very disappointing.