Hey now..
As for as character\'s and story (comic wise), I think Marvel as DC beat. The only DC character I like in the comics is Batman. The Superman character is crap now\'a\'days and any other DC character is just lacking.
However, when it comes to movies, I don\'t think Marvel has really caught on yet. Spiderman took to many liberities , such as the web-shooters and the fact that Mary Jane was Parker\'s all time love.
I also think Spiderman lacked a lot in the character department..Oh and let\'s not forget those terrible outfits.
X-Men was poorly written and very borin\', in my opinion. I remember waiting all my childhood for it..finally seeing it, on opening day and coming out disgusted.
DareDevil could of been a lot better if they would of recasted Electrka\'s character . Bullseye was totally out of place in the film also.
X2 was a marked improvement, but could of been better.
With that said - Batman Returns, Batman Forever and Batman & Robin was all crap. Superman 3 & 4 was also crap.
Now when we get into animated series, its a toss up. Batman: The Animated series has been one of the most succesful animated series ever. It spawned 116 episodes , an animated movie and then two more direct to video animated movies. Not to mention FOUR videogames based off the animated series and one of the most succesful and long running (Mattel just got the rights) toy series.
However, Superman wasn\'t worth watching.
Justice League (season one) was severely lacking. Hopefully season two will fix a lot of the problems that they faced with season on.
On Marvel\'s side, you had X-Men which was a decent series for the first two seasons but went downhill face. I don\'t blame Marvel for this though. I blame Fox and their love for Saban Animated. Saban was a terrible company, yet Fox wanted them to do the series.
Yet, you have Spider-Man: The Animated Series and it was great. Marvel Animated Studio\'s done a great job and Semper\'s writing (who is now helping with \'Justice League\') was top-notch. It\'s just a shame the series was only 65 episodes long, as it truly captured the feel of the comics .
With that said - it should be obvious I\'m not a DC or Marvel fanboy. Though my biggest superhero would have to be Batman and Spiderman behind him.