** some spoilers **
Finally saw it tonight, at times felt long but not too often. Always fun when enemies have to work together to defeat a foe they have incommon.
Didn\'t like how easily some mutants were defeated by the human marines.
Seeing Collossus there fawking ruled, wish he had a bigger part in the movie (here\'s to hoping in X3). That guy by himself should have been able to defeat the entire human attack squadron, I mean C\'mon a giant super strong metal guy, however he didn\'t seem to have a russian accent when he said "I can help", sure it was short but it damned sure didn\'t sound russian.
Liked seeing Wolverine doing some slicing and dicing, I would have preferred more blood though.
The scene were Iceman cooled his Dr. Pepper was great.
And like everybody I was very much impressed with Nightcrawler in this movie, however I kinda found it funny that they had a scottish guy playing a german guy, a guy with one accent doing another one.
I\'m not a big fan of the whole Pheonix saga, but seeing Jean going up in flames was cool, seems they are tieing the Pheonix storyline with the events of X1, Cyclops said she hadn\'t been the same since the whole radioation thing on that island whatever it\'s called, or maybe it was the fact that she was playing with cerebro, either way she might have been incontact with the pheonix force in either of those occations.
But all in all the movie rocked.