I can live with that.... and it\'s purchased. I\'m not a pirate.
The simple fact is that just with a few minutes of searching you can find a lot of people with problems JUST LIKE MINE out on the web. This to me says "wait a couple of years", and XP will be the bug-free, supported OS (I hope). For now, 2000 is nearing the end of it\'s life, I\'m sure MS will stop supporting it in a year or two, but until then, it\'s the speedier choice. Looking at about 6-7 other techie forums, it seems to me that 2000 is reccomended 2 out of 3 times by most people, for most setups/uses. XP will probably be fine by mid 2005.
Also, next time, don\'t tell someone you don\'t know (who\'s system setup you haven\'t seen) that their hardware setup is crappy. It\'s a good way to turn a discussion of pros/cons of a system or OS into just a lot of blasting.