Cough, cough, no offense, but that\'s bullshit. I\'ve been building computers from scratch for years, and this one cost me a cool 4Gs with all the custom shit I ordered. I know EXACTLY what I\'m doing, and XP was set up as well as it could be. There was litterally not a single thing in this computer slowing down the system at any point.
I was getting 60-80 fps at 1600x1200x32 with AA on in XP. When I went back to 2000 pro, I was getting over 150 fps in the same programs, with the same settings. I\'m sorry to tell you, but XP is meant for the faceless masses who actually don\'t know anything about computers, and can\'t be bothered to learn the small amounts necessary to run anything better. Look at the minimum system requirements for the OS and that\'s your first indication that something is very, very wrong at Microsoft headquarters.
XP = for morons too stupid to know better, who like the fact that a stupid dog will pop up to ask them if they want to run that CD they just inserted. Can it (all the crap) be disabled? Yes. Is it worth it? No. It still runs like a sumo wrestler. :rolleyes:
2000 = better, though with MS that\'s not saying a whole lot. At least it\'s based on a system that was used for servers, so it\'s without all the \'unnecessary\' addons.
98 = not bad, but getting dated. At least they\'ve had a while to iron out the bugs that are present in ALL their OSs. It\'s faster because it\'s SIMPLER, and doesn\'t try to do half the crap that more modern OSs do.
Anything else = probably better. I run linux and 2000. 2000 only because not everything is available yet on non windows systems.
Even if your aunt knows very little or nothing about computers, go with 2000. The fact is, it\'s not must harder to use than XP, but oh-so-much faster.