Originally posted by Lord Nicon
As for ROL. Really, wow, I didnt even say anything about the bears. Maybe you could use some glasses. And yes both the cubs and the sox jagged and the cubs got further whoopdee do. What is it now? 96 years and worth the wait? Yeah. I belive our pal luke already cleared the whole manager thing, bud. Bandwagoner. READ.
Im sure you looked spiffy in all blue red and white after they lost. Did you wear your signed cleats too?
This is tiring. You make no point whatsoever.
Really glad you had to state your age, so we could make sure that you were simply acting 5 years under it instead of actually being a 13 year old. Go Figure.
What\'s that line about Cubs fans not caring? The same Cubs fas that have lived and died by the Cubs, through the worst of times? Now half of them magically don\'t give a shit? I\'d really love to see some proof on that.
Back to the Bears line, being that you obviously just saw the word "Bears" and drew your concluions from there, you would remember through reading what I said that I mentioned that Luke was a Bears fan, so there\'s no way he could be a bandwagon fan. Since you\'re obviously in love with the term, and have no idea what it actually means, I\'ll use it in your terms -- you\'re a bandwagon\'er\' (as you would like to put it, excellent grammar) of the Florida Marlins. Even though it\'s not true, in your terms, it would be.
Dissing on the Cubs for 96 years of futility? Your team lost a series...ON PURPOSE. The Red Sox haven\'t won one since 1918, you haven\'t won one since 1919. Don\'t be talking about how futile the Cubs are, when your team is almost as futile. So, after your makeshift pitching staff consisting of a 21 game winner that wasn\'t supposed to be anything, and the underachieving sensations that are Mark Buehrle and Bartolo Colon continue to suck as you get your asses handed to you by the Twins yet again, the Cubs will be going back to the postseason with the best young pitching staff in baseball, and an improved bullpen and lineup thanks to Jim Hendry making moves.
Cubs in 2004. See Yuz.