Originally posted by FifaSeriesFan
Never heard em before but they are piss funny...cheers guys!
here\'s another one...
Sir Cliff Richard,Roy "Chubby" Brown (a very dirty and funny English Comedian) and Michael Jackson are on the Titanic that fateful night and it hits the iceberg.
This woman comes running into the room they are staying in and she starts screaming that the ship is going to sink.
Cliff,the religious guy that he is stands up and says "SAVE THE CHILDREN!"
Chubby stands up not bothered about the kids and only concerned about himself says "F*CK THE CHILDREN"
Michael Jackson stands up and thinks for a moment and says "Do you think there\'s enough time Roy?"
^ total ripp off on the plane joke.
Michael Jackson, 20 kids and a pilot were flying in a plane.
The plane starts to have engine trouble and there are only 2 parachutes. The pilot turns to Michael and tells him that the plane is going to crash. So the pilot puts the plane on autopilot and starts to put on a parachute. Michael turns to the pilot while putting on his parachute and asks "What about the children" the pilot turns and says in response "F@#K the children" in which Michael replies "Do we have time?"
here\'s another version
A pilot, the President, Micheal Jackson, a librarian, and some kids are on a plane that is about to crash. There are just enough parachutes that one person must die.
The pilot says "Well, I\'m the pilot so i have to live," so he jumps out with a parachute.
The President says "Well I\'m the President and I have to run the country so i should live,"
"But what about the kids?" said the librarian.
"Screw the kids" said the President.
"I already did" said Micheal Jackson
The first one i posted was the original one. I heard it Years ago.
so get it right bytch.