This is my City\'s homepage and I am disturbed by this quote - before I post it I will give someone a chance to find it. HINT - its in the 3rd paragraph. only that - they deleted a lot of the "true" history of the city most notably:
It was originally named Sodom.
It had more organized crime in the 1940\'s and 50\'s than Chicago ever did.
General Patton wanted to invade Phenix City and "level the town" after GI\'s repeated returned beaten or didn\'t return at all after going into town. It is also interesting to note that the prostitutes in Phenix City frequently "rolled" GI\'s with a pair of brass nuckles and robbed them.
The Alabama Attorney General Elect was assasinated by the Deputy Sheriff in 1954.
The National Guard was called in and Martial Law was declared by the Govenor in 1955 - the first time that ever happened on US soil.