Yo yo check it,
Ima snatch the mic from the last mc
Smack spudz in the face, turn his shit to pee
But we all know whos the shit eater
Its racer w/ Mariah in a wife beater
His ass is so gay he runs more trains than,
Big bubba and 10 homos in a minivan
Now jumpman is, just a drone
And its his ass that im about to OWN, but
Unlike racer I don’t pack fudge,
I post on the fly, like im holdin a grudge
And like mm, im watching immaculate flix
but they don’t have jugs like gurls in kurt angle’s pix
So now I don’t know what to say
Cause typing on the spot is a bitch anyway
So im going to leave you with this revelation
Of a dumbass thread, please hold the ovation
…..Whats next? Psx2C show and tell? Heh, jeebus
(the previous comments are not a representaion of this poster\'s true feelings. Thank you:D
