Spudz, you have a good point. It was also used as a tool during the medieval times as a weapon by saying that "this war is god\'s war, fight in it". As for people saying that true happiness is with God, I say that is a load of crap. I\'ve been agnostic/athiest for 3 years now and I\'ve never been happier. I have morals and a really nice and moral person. Did I get these from the Bible and religion? Some, but like abortion and premarital relations were crushed when I became athiest. Before, I was prolife and anti sex and antiperverted (like whacking off, etc). Now, I\'m neutral on abortion (I could care less), can\'t wait to have sex and have my hormones get the best of me sometimes. Does that mean I\'m immoral? No. I have morals. I don\'t lie, cheat or look down on others. Religion can be a good thing to follow, but there are too many people that take it way too seriously and literal. Also, I believe religion was intended as a way to guide people\'s lives. I believe the Bible was never a basis for religion but more as a way to guide people with stories to teach morals and lessons. God don\'t need me and I don\'t need him.