Ever wonder what life would be like without silly little things gnats, butt hair, boy bands, politics, pride, or religion? While all these topics deserve their own special attention I\'d like to turn to religion for this post.
Why is it that so many people are obsessed with looking beyond themselves for answers to their lives? Their beliefs, morals, and ultimately their existence are drawn from an unknown and they reinforce their lives off it everyday. Ask yourself...are your beliefs entirely random as to what household you ended up in or what side of town you grew up on, what country you were born in?
God, Allah, Mecca, etc. Same thing, different spelling.
How is it that so many people abandon free thinking for faith? Are people so drained of life that they\'ve lost the ability to interpret life as it is so instead take a page from someone elses book? A someone claiming to know the rights and wrongs of any given religion...someone, a person just like you and me, claiming they know how to live.
Did you know that the catholic church used to burn people for proclaiming that the sun was the center of our galaxy? The church found it unaccpetable that man would not be placed in the center of the universe so they killed people for it. You know how that one turned out...
How about the fact that it\'s been historically proven Mary Magdalene and Jesus were an item all those years ago when the church has been preaching she was a whore. Turns out she was of royal blood...oops again.
Those are just two examples but you get the point. What\'s not proven is open for discussion...think of something, we\'ll make them believe it so to speak.
BAh! There are so many directions I could go with this...I just needed to vent. I\'m getting tired of bible thumpers and their rants that boil down to inequality, self-righteousness, and their own foolish pride.
Perhaps religion started with good intentions but it\'s been largely distorted to become the largest grounds for prejudice.