There is corruption in our prision system. ESPECIALLY the EXTREMELY CORRUPT prision system in California. I don\'t care if you are a Republican or a Democrat, a left winger or a right winger, the California prison system needs SERIOUS reforms (which BTW, for the last 5 years or so before Arnie, PURE Democratic control of the government INCLUDING the prison system. Its not just Republicans who are "bad").
But thats besides the point. At least when there is a wrongful conviction, we DON\'T charge for room and boarding when that conviction is overturned. These people didn\'t voluntarily get arrested and convicted. Life threw them a horrible curve ball and voila, in prison for a crime they didn\'t comment. Now the government is telling them to pay for their stay? What kind of crap is this? Again, doesn\'t matter if you are a left winger or right winger (and this is being proposed under the left-of-center Labour government of Tony Blair), this idea is idiotic no matter how you slice it. Government greed gone way too far.