With such a huge thread about how much other people love it, I figured it\'d be nice if we had some actual forum-goers post if they like it or not... anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Anyways, I like it a lot so far and I\'m just starting Chapter 3. The backtracking that you have to do in some parts (As new parts become available with new abilities) is annoying and way too much like Zelda for my tastes, but so far, it\'s a pretty unique title. The paper elements are used to some nice effects during the game and some characters are more enjoyable then others. No parts have made me "laugh out loud" as yet, but I can definitely see the humorous appeal, especially with young children.
Quirky aspect I enjoy: Luigi pops up from time to time to tell you about his adventures without you and it turns out, he is on a very similar fetch quest just like yourself but he is saving a difference princess for a different kingdom. Go figure. After each chapter you complete, he has a story to tell you and he has new companions to correct his faulty logic from time to time as well. Really well done. I definitely would not mind playing Luigi\'s adventure in a new Mario RPG game featuring Luigi and using the same hub that Mario visits in this game. That would be a joy to play.