Originally posted by GigaShadow
First of all it wasn\'t leaked and it was common knowledge around DC that Plames wife was in the CIA. Where is the scandal? The hype is all because of the rabid left\'s hatred for the administration. If anyone outed Plame it was her husband.
Wilson claims that all this publicity has jeopardized his wifes safety, but has the audacity to pose with her for a Vanity Fair photo spread? Give me a fucking break.
I do not see how you can claim Wilson outed his wife. It may have been "common knowledge" that Plame was an ordinary CIA agent. However, her
covert status did not become common knowledge until the publication of Novak\'s article. Although she was safely based in Virginia at the time, the article still blew her cover.
Libby\'s crime was perjury, making false statements, and obstruction of justice, the
same exact charges that hyperventilating Republicans brought against Clinton. Before you start criticizing the rabidness of the left on this issue, consider for a moment the minority party that compared a president\'s sexual fling to Watergate.