"I know its fake"
"I never thought about doing this in reality"
Alot of people who play very violent games say this. Yet when they dont like someone the first things out of their mouth:
"Will someone please shoot him?"
"I\'m amazed some nerd hasn\'t tried to ice him yet."
Why are you amazed a nerd hasnt shot this man? Why would a nerd pick up a weapon and kill a man he doesnt like? Why would that even cross your mind?
I know I\'m not the greatest example. I know I\'m not the best person to be talking about this. I\'m not a do good gamer. Ashford was right, I like games that have violence. Final Fantasy, and Metal Gear Solid. I even have a avatar of Final Fantasy game where some girl is killing guys.
BUT, I have my limits. I can pass games (and movies) with minimal violence and games (and movies) that the violence is for the greater good, not just for pleasure on money or drugs or thrills.
Final Fantasy is violent because at times you do kill people, but there is no blood. Faceless guards fall down and dissappear. In Final Fantasy VII they jus turned red and dissapeared.
I do play the Metal Gear Solid series but its usually just a rental, and while there is higher degree of violence in this game then others the game\'s storyline and graphics are what draw not me, not the idea that you get to kill people which I hardly ever do in the game.
I remember way back in the Mortal Combat days. My friends liked ripping the spinal cord out of enemies after they defeated them. I never got it. Why would you want to do that to anyone, even a virtual character? Over the top if you asked me.
Now there is Grand Theft Auto. Note my post in this thread and others about videogame violence is directed at games like Grand Theft Auto and Dead Rising.
Grand Theft Auto puts people on the sidewalks, lots of them, their only purpose for you to rob them, sleep with them, or kill them.
After killing innocent people the game encourages you to stomp them, stab them, or run them with a car. Body parts can be cut of and spew blood. The police is treated as the #1 enemy.
What seperates the violence in Grand Theft Auto from most other games is that you kill innocent people for pleasure. And the game encourages it.
I was watching Cinematech and Dead Rising came up. I had to turn the channel after seeing the main character rip the intestines out of a zombie. Some people find pleasure in this. If I played it enough I probably would to, but there has to be a point where you look at yourself and say"what am I doing?" I mean, what if one of your family members was mugged and beat up, the same thing you did on GTA for fun? How would you feel that you immitated violent acts virtually? Especially a violent act that affected someone you knew? What if the next GTA came out where you could rape women? Would it be wrong to do it, even if it was just virtual? And what would you think about people who took pleasure in doing that? What should be thought about people who take pleasure in ripping out intestines, raping women, blowing off heads, sawing off limbs of innocent people and other violent crimes even if it is just a virtual world?
As for violent videogames changing ones behavior and thoughts, true most adults can simply put actions in a virtual world in the back of their mind, but there is always cases where people will take it a step further.
Delan Klebold and Aaron Harris. They made a Doom map of their local highschool.
Some replies in those topic joked about several violent ways this man should be killed, just because he thinks the FILTH Rockstar makes should be destroyed.
Once again, I watch violent movies like LOTR, Stealth etc. I play violent video games like Final Fantasy and MGS. But I DO NOT watch violent games or movies like SAW or GTA.
If somebody wants to shut down GTA, more power to them
. If you think its sick to kill something that\'s not real, you need to seriously get your head examined.
Talk to any old timer, they all watch gunsmoke. Lots of people died in Gunsmoke. You know what happened when they died? They just fell into the water trough. Now days, when something dies there is brains, intestines, and other things getting ripped out or falling out and blood spewing everywhere . That is SICK, even if it is in a virtual world. I\'m sorry you are so desensitized to violence you can no longer see any problem with it.
Plenty of people hold my position. It\'s time to start wondering whos brain should be examined.
Those who believe slaughtering people in very gory, gruesome ways is perfectly normal and great past time, or those think the idea of that is sick.
What a tough question.
And I wonder if that is a trait of a serial killer?..