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Author Topic: Gears of War living up to the hype?  (Read 5001 times)

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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #30 on: November 10, 2006, 03:14:44 PM »
Quote from: pstwo
I didn\'t set any options in GOW but I\'m playing in Hardcore.  :thumb:

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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #31 on: November 11, 2006, 05:17:46 AM »
I passed on FF12. I skipped Guitar Hero II. I never got Okami and I\'m not buying WWE Smackdown.

But dammit, all this praise, I\'ve decided to go pick up Gears of War.

Walmart doesn\'t have it anymore, so I\'ll try my luck at the local mall.
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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #32 on: November 11, 2006, 05:33:20 AM »
I passed on FF12.


I skipped Guitar Hero II.


I never got Okami

What the hell?

I\'m not buying WWE Smackdown.

Well, duh.

I\'ve decided to go pick up Gears of War.

Good man!
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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #33 on: November 11, 2006, 01:54:17 PM »
One out of four heh. I\'m not made of time and money over here!

I\'m getting through the game. It\'s pretty well made. Intense, then a break. Intense, then a break.

The characters and story keep you interested and some of the enemies are freaky.

So it\'s cool. Shooters aren\'t really my bag, so I don\'t know how terribly original this one is, but it is nice running up and slicing a guy with the chainsaw!

Pretty cool so far, about 40% done on the easy mode.
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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2006, 06:30:03 AM »
So it\'s cool. Shooters aren\'t really my bag, so I don\'t know how terribly original this one is, but it is nice running up and slicing a guy with the chainsaw!

Yeah, I\'m pretty sure the chainsaw is a FPS first.

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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2006, 07:47:59 AM »

tehn again teh onley fpss i evar played was halo 1 adn 2
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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2006, 04:55:14 AM »
It\'s a third person shooter.
I said it\'s not very original.
And killing the bad guys with the chainsaw is fun.
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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #37 on: January 15, 2007, 04:43:51 PM »
I\'ve been playing Gears of War for about a week, and while it is very good, I\'m not entirely satisfied.

There is nothing original about the story whatsoever.  In fact they blatantly lifted several ideas from a few famous movies.

The path is extremely linear.  Even though there are a few instances when the player can choose to go left or right, the choice is irrelevant as far as I can tell.  I acknowledge that most games must be linear to conserve system resources, but some games feel more linear than others.  For example, Half Life 2 is also linear, but the path feels very wide, so the player has many opportunities to explore things and screw around playing with tools and weapons in creative ways.  In Gears of War, the path is really really narrow.  Combine that with the fact that the environments offer very little interaction, and the game begins to feel a little repetitive.

I\'m a somewhat bored with all the character models looking like huge musclebound lunks.  I don\'t know why game designers are so enamored with making their characters look like defensive linemen.  That was also something that appealed to me about Half Life 2.  In that game, there was a great variety in body types among the non player characters.

I\'m not sure I agree with the player health system.  I do like that fact that it gets rid of the health powerups, but I don\'t understand how your player regenerates health so quickly between encounters.  It seems unrealistic, but I guess I shouldn\'t be looking for realism in a game like this.

I know I\'ve only listed negatives above, but I should also say that the game is enjoyable.  I\'m going to keep playing, and I will probably finish it.  I just regret that the game didn\'t really "break out of the box" of traditional console shooters.  It didn\'t really shatter boundaries like I was expecting from all the glowing reviews.
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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #38 on: January 16, 2007, 04:43:13 AM »
i rented GoW, and very glad i did so.

far too repetitive, and no CTF mode is pointless.
it\'s screaming for a jailbreak mode, however

looked great, but no soul.
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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #39 on: January 16, 2007, 05:49:10 AM »
My brother and I have started playing it again. Finished Act 3 yesterday.

A few notes:

A. It is way too repetitive for me to play it straight through.

B. It is kind of annoying how Fenix sounds 5 times gruffer than any other character.

C. It\'s very linear, though enemies occasionally take completely different approaches.

Overall, I\'ve enjoyed it very much, but it is not the GOTY.
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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #40 on: January 16, 2007, 05:50:04 AM »
Ow boy... there was a huge discussion at the MGS boards with Kojima\'s recent statement in which he claimed BluRay 25Gb single layer will not suffice for MGS4 ; he will need the newer spec 50gb single layer BD. So, the whole talk about the false MGS4 to Xbox360 rumour lit on fire again and comparisons where done between Gears of War & MGS4 and arguing about why MGS4 would really need BluRay 50Gb whereas Gears of War fits on DVD9.

Is GoW single player shorter (in regards to disc space), then ...let\'s say MGS2 or MGS3 ?
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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #41 on: January 16, 2007, 07:07:31 AM »
I for one, prefer a linear game. To me, that\'s a benefit.
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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #42 on: January 16, 2007, 09:48:14 AM »
Quote from: Eiksirf
I for one, prefer a linear game. To me, that\'s a benefit.

Well, i like both linear games and open ended games. However, alot of developers fail to create NPC AI and compelling level design to make the open ended game concept actually work.

Linear games are limited yes, but often they succeed better as a concept while other open ended games\' AI fails to cope with, for example ; the multiple paths and the expanded capacities of the player character.
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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #43 on: January 16, 2007, 11:52:09 AM »
I actually have way more fun playing coop with a friend than i do adversarial.

But between playing marvel, rainbow six and madden, i dont really touch GoW that much right now.
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Gears of War living up to the hype?
« Reply #44 on: January 17, 2007, 12:36:51 PM »
I love the game, find it was well worth the purchase.  But there are some things I would have liked to see changed.

- More large multiplayer maps (the two new free maps is real nice, so maybe this will change as things go)
- More guns
- A better last boss fight in single player


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