I didn\'t forget about MS added not just 2, but now 3 different versions of the their console. The PS3 text box only allows a small amount of characters and I couldnt squeeze it in. (one annoying problem they still havent fixed)
Multiple consoles are wrong because it hurts the developers and the consumer. I know of guys who are upset they didn\'t get SD and Memory stick duo readers in their \'core\' PS3. And now they regret they will have to buy a $100 WIFI adapter. As for the 360 core and premium, all that caused was making the developers develop games with no HDD in mind. And who wants to pay $100 to upgrade to 20GB or near $200 for 180GB? +
Multiple consoles have not been done right. In fact, I doubt they ever could ever be done right. They don\'t need to show up anymore.
I think this gives Sony and Nintendo the edge this Holiday season. By the time we get to the Holiday season Sony will have fazed out the 20GB model leaving just 1 model, the 60GB. So when a consumer comes into a store they can choose between 1 PS3, 1 Wii, or 3 Xbox 360s. Confusion may play a part in what they purchase.