Originally posted by ProfessorX
First off I agree with Sony and what they are doing. I see it as common business practice to protect your investment. MS will be doing the same kind of crap later.
Floorspace? You guys are worried about floorspace? When the hell did that matter in a console race? Damn! MS put that rumor out? I thought I read that in a magazine not by an MS press release, next gen or egm if I remember correctly and the story was told in the third person?
When did MS try to buy Square? If anything is a rumor it should be that one! DDaryll I usually agree with all of your statements but not this one. 10 punches? They bought Digital Anvil, nothing great IMHO, and Bungie! That\'s two! Sony bought pysgnosis back in the day when PS1 was coming to the market but MS does the same thing and you guys don\'t like it? Where the hell were you guys when Sony did that?
MS doing 100X more BS? Come on man...you know they are lying equally! What happened to the 1,000,00 at launch? Even after that blunder Sony said they would ship 100,000 each week after that and where are they? Come on now MS is going to lie and so will Sony! You guys see Sony as this white knight, let me let you in on a secret: they are a huge corporation...just like MS.
Well Mr. X, its been proven that SOny is doing no such thing which I suspected in the 1st place, 2nd the rumor of MS wanting 2x\'s as much floor space at E3 was posted on a reputable site and is just a rumor, but the isdea is to take over any and all possible thunder from GC, PS2, and DC. In other words dorwed out the compettion so MS can take over. I\'m sure GC, DC and PS2 fans would like to see what they\'re console sare offering not just MS Xbox.
MS was strongly rumored to be inquiring about Square, how true it is I don\'t know, but MS has snatched Bungie and Halo which was supposed to come to the PS2, and Oddworld and Munch\'s Odyssee which also was coming to the PS2, two possible Killer Apps snatched away from PS2 fans cause of MS. Now its just business, sure but I don\'t want to hear for a 1/4 of a second Sony is the bad guy they haven\'t done nothing to squash anyother consoles success, Sony has only concentrated on making the PS2 successful
Now for you info Mr. X Sony is right on target for 100,000 PS2\'s a week since thier 500,000 launch. The numbers have been in and Sony is hitting there targets as promised so your ???? about where are they well there\'s your answer.
And yes Sony is a huge corporation, but let me let you in on a secret, They are no MS, and haven\'t done a thing to put themselves in the same category. 3rd parties come to Sony, SOny doesn\'t buy 3rd parties. Will see how MS plays the game.
Is Sony a white knight, I never said they were, but MS will always have the watchful eye upon them and deservingly so.
I have an Xbox on pre-order, I may or may not excersice my pre-order. It really comes down to how MS plays the game and the fact that I would like to see Sony succesful before MS, its My personal opinion and it goes beyond graphic capabilities for me.
MS has a big hill to climb how they decide to climb it will determine there fate, but the bottom line the MS name does not and will not sit well with a solid portion of the masses