I could only run the game at medium settings.. well, at least that\'s what the auto detect set everything too (X2 @ 2.4, 7900gt). It looked good, ran pretty smooth.. probably could bump up a few graphical settings, but overall the graphics are not quite as good as I was expecting (I ran it once at full everything just to see it in full dx9)... I remember being blown away by the graphics in FarCry more than this. Also the game just feels sort of awkward at this point... I know it\'s only a demo but the final game won\'t be too different than what is shown in this demo.
And I don\'t like how you change nanosuit powers and they don\'t last nearly long enough. It\'s nearly impossible for me to accurately change between powers while in the middle of a firefight (maybe there are keyboard shortcuts for them?). I\'ll give it more time and play through the demo again, but I\'ll probably wait and pick it up when I can find it for $20 bucks used or something
I\'m much more impressed with cod4 at this point