sry meng . Had to bring it up since you were talking about assassin\'s creed too,lol. I wouldn\'t be the AC fanboy that i am if i didnt. Maybe by letdown you just meant it wouldnt live up to the hype, but it more sounded like you thought it would suck.
I probably should say that im not big on crysis either. I played up to the camp in my first play through and havent had any desire to touch it since
My biggest worry about AC is the fact, I think they are trying so much at once, anytime a developer does that, something obvious usually gets overlooked (like the control). I hope I\'m wrong. I should also state I\'m not against AC , nor am I for it. I try to not expect much, so that I can be surprised.
As for Crysis, I wasn\'t one who actually built a PC for it, I learned my lesson the last time (Doom 3 / HL2 - one of which was a complete dissapointment and the other I never finished..). But still, I did build a "high end" machine and wanted to give the game a shot and simply was not impressed. Not only did it have a lot of issues (at least in my opinion), but at times it felt uninspired. I would say it felt more like a graphic update applied to Far Cry. Things like the nanosuit are a nice touch on paper, but I never really got the feeling of power from it, due to the fact it runs out of power so fast. It\'s one of those things that you can tell the developer had a vision, but through out the course of play testing, they went back and forth on how strong it should be, and in the end, they decided to nerf it to hell.
I guess I should also clarify what I mean when I say "letdown". I mean a letdown to the masses. These games are hyped for years upon years now\'a\'days and in the end, rarely is there a way for them to live up to the hype. In fact, I think a lot of these developers would do best to hold off on showing their games until they are closer to release. These 2 - 3 waits only hurt most of these ultra hyped games, with the exceptions of game series like FF / MGS / Zelda (franchises that are held together by a strong fan base).