Luke check their attitude before accusing me for dodging the question. He didnt ask me why I believe that for the sakes of a healthy discussion. His reply was an accusation and mocking and not my argument at hand. It is once again about "Unicron! coming out of nowhere claiming things AGAIN" and the question is "where does he get all these BS from" and "why doesnt he shut up". And I ask. How on earth are you expecting me to answer back to such an attitude. I have tried many times to answer after such attitudes, but nobody seems to care about my answer. Minds are already set and my answer is ignored. They prefer backtracking to something I already answered. This is more frustrating.
If you ask me politely why I believe that for the sakes of a healthy discussion I will more than gladly do it.
Should I talk about me or why do I believe that?
Here is why I believe that.
The accurate statement on my post was the fact that oil prices are overvalued.
Based on this fact, Bush\'s efforts to expand drilling as a mean to improve the economy from this oil price crisis doesnt make much sense to me since low supply isnt the main cause. Agreed? Good.
To connect the dots, alignment of political and some powerful influential group interests is not something that exists only under one administration. It exists no matter who is on the office (whether it is a republican or a democrat) and no matter the country. Principal-agent problem between the ruling party and citizens always exists (political cost minimization, personal gains and career). Thats why I am personally inclined to believe that, taking into consideration oil companies are the ones that would most likely benefit from this, there are other interests involved.
Since the Bush administration was in the office for two continuous terms it is about that I will comment about.
Secondly what I know accurately about Bush administration and I didnt mention in this thread are previous failing suggestions to improve the economy. One which has also helped to the downward fall of the dollar value. In an effort to improve the balance of trade (edit: the Current Account to be more precise), it was decided that the dollar should be depreciated in order to discourage the consumption of imported goods. This is one of the oldest but most repeatedly failing policies. The results were the complete opposite of what they expected.
Lastly Bush\'s administration credibility is reduced to zero after the lies regarding their war in Iraq and their false claims. Nobody gained from that, except private companies that invest on the war, and those that are looking for an opportunity to invest in rebuilding Iraq.
My information are just as accurate as anyone else\'s. The difference between me and someone else lies, not on what is available to each one of us, but on what we decide to know, what we decide to ignore and how we connect the dots.
Anyways. See you in a week. I will be missing abroad.
see, you presented an opinion and backed it up with things that widely considered to be true
"Bush\'s effort to push "oil drilling" hoping to improve the economy, is probably once again nothing more than a service to corporate interests."
just sounds some someone complaining about something he doesnt completely understand especially when that person does not even live in the country that they are complaining about
yes you are probably correct Bush is probably serving corporate interests by pushing for offshore drilling but if youre going to rag on someone\'s country please explain to us why it is that you feel the need to rag on their country as opposed to the "there goes that asshole Bush again" type statements
imagine that your in a room with 3 other people 1 american 1 brit and 1 russian for example. the american complains about american government, the brit complains about british government, and so on. Except for you, youre the guy who complains about everyone elses government even though the policies of these governments really have little to no effect on your day to day life. You can easily back up your complaints with facts but yet all it seems to do is make your country sound like heaven on earth and everyone else lives in a shithole. everyone in that room would want to beat the fucking shit out of you.
now you may say "well no one wants to hear about problems in my country" and you\'d be right. we don\'t. we could care less if the prime minister of your decided to put a 50 cent tax on every tomato bought in cyprus so the government could buy a new private jet. you know why we would care less? cause we have better things to worry about than the goings on of some pissant little country in the middle of the Mediterranean
i guess what my point is, is that the next time you feel the need to put your 2 cents on subjects concerning some one elses country think about how you would feel if every american on this board constantly complained about your country, unprovoked and with no other reason then to just show how up on the current affairs of cyprus we were. if you loved you country as much as i do you\'d be pretty pissed off
in conclusion Uni, keep your mouth shut. im reminded of how bad of government is every time i wake up in the morning and hear about more dead soldiers and higher gas prices. i dont need snide comments from some foreign fuck to do it too especially when i come on the forums to get away from it all for a few minutes