The second link doesn\'t work for me,..well at least the vids won\'t work, and youtube is blocked at work, so there goes that,... but the folks in that first clip don\'t have a clue....and the Palin question is a bit misleading, people could\'ve taken that as the person was asking them if Obama had picked palin, would you have a problem with it? So people naturally said no...
This is far from those white folks who openly let their racist views be known with no shame in sight...and these people never called McCain a racist or any other derogatory names,...i still feel a comparison really can\'t be made in terms of race between blacks and whites...why?...cause i have not seen blacks openly discriminate against another white candidate when there were all white candidates... it does not make a difference with us what color the candidate is....that\'s the difference.... sure there are black racists,....but everything is okay and kum-by-yah as long as white candidates are at the helm, but low and behold a black presidential nominee hits the scene and all of the racist pricks at McCain & Palin rallys has something to say...
And before people go ballistic, i\'am not calling all white folks racists,....just calling it how i see it.