That\'s true. That is just yet another reason not to waste money on a wedding. If the Government and everyone else thinks we are already married - why pay for a wedding?
Then there is the whole wedding debate. She wants a church and a preacher. I am not religious and I want nowhere near a church or preacher. I want to go to a court house and get it done.
Until we meet in the middle, it ain\'t happening.
Raises hand slowly....that\'s what me & the wifey did(court house)....we wanted a big wedding, but we\'ve seen newlyweds struggle with the huge bills that had mounted after the wedding and realized we didn\'t need that unnecessary stress...part of the reason in having those big weddings, is that you\'re banking on alot of the hosts to give the newly married couple money to help curb the costs, but if you have a bunch of broke-ass friends and relatives, that ass is up the creek.
Sometimes i know the father of the bride is supposed to pay for the wedding, but lately i haven\'t heard of anybody doin\' that,....i always here of the couple themselves payin\' for LIC if you guys do finally decide one day, go the court house route,\'ll save alot of money...