Yeah the town halls have been better than any action movie that came out this summer. Fuck District 9, the real carnage is on CNN when they cover all these town hall riots.
I\'ve just sat in front of the TV with popcorn and hand lotion all summer watching the riots and its been awesome. All this violence and entertainment AND FOR FREE. A cool thing about being Canadian is you get a front row seat for American riots (our riots only involve hockey or the french, both are lame) and thankfully the town hall riots haven\'t dissapointed. I wonder if these rioters who go to the riots have insurance for riot related injuries.
EDIT: Fuck! all those pics I just realized are from Europe
I\'m trying to find some from the town hall riots. But until I do just trust me...people have died, women have been raped, children trampled to death in the rush of people to the microphone to be heard. Its bad man, its really bad. But its also really awesome. This never would of happened with an Asian president.