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Author Topic: ITS OFFICIAL PS2 WINS  (Read 3721 times)

Offline BizioEE

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well,it\'s not exactly as you say...
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2001, 05:36:32 AM »
Originally posted by Underwhelming Force
There debates are not pointless. There are many issues to talk about in the coming generation of consoles and there are many viewpoints that are valid. By talking about them with other people you can expand yor own knowledge and understanding. I didn\'t realy get into this kind of thing untill about a year and a half ago, since then my knowledge of many subjects has increased greatly. I know more about 3d hardware than I did before by a lot, I know more about video game history than I did and most of all I have a better and broader understanding of the industry as a whole, I\'m not so narrow minded in my views, I understand why other people might like differnt consoles than me. in this way I think console debate is a good thing, also because it teaches you a fair bbit about debate in general, and the way people think and act.

I Agree!!!

I stand by my statements BizioEE, i think that the two consoles, XBox and Gamecube, beat the PS2 in almost every aspect of performance...

Depending on which development house you talk to, there are different winners in the race for hardware supremacy. PS2 is a difficult, but nonetheless powerful console that software houses have yet to master, and Gamecube is a programmer friendly, yet powerful platform that, because of Nintendo\'s secrecy, is still largely unproven.
If you get anything out of the "non bias articles", you see that it\'s a better sense of just how powerful Nintendo\'s Gamecube console is, and nobody has proved PlayStation 2 is an inferior system in almost all the aspects, only that Nintendo\'s is just as strong in every single respect technically speaking.."" At the end of the day, we still believe the battlefield will be separated with those that are willing to master PS2\'s difficulties and create truly amazing software, and those that would prefer not to waste time and energy on struggling with the hardware when they can worry strictly about content on Nintendo\'s Gamecube and Microsoft\'s XBox.""

 I understand how the vecto units work but you have to understand its not a perfect system and it has limits as with any other hardware. What the vector units are capable of doing the graphics chips in the other consoles o as wel if not better, and most of what they do is much easier to acomplish because its hardwired, inthe Ps2 not only do you have to program it but you have to program it to run simultaneously with the other parts of your game running of the other proccessors while managing all your data streeming and transfer that makes the hardware as powerful as it is....

The Gamecube is going to have a great renderer, and probably will put out almost as many polygons as the PS2, but they will be prettier polygons(I agree). Its problem is going to be, truthfully, that its CPU is weaker so it won\'t be able to do as many cool things with those polygons...Yes,there\'s something that PS2 can do better!...

 People talk about streeming as why the PS2 has such great texturing capabilities, well the Gamecube has that as well, exept its better and easier to do because the cache space is only used for textures and textures remain compressed throughout, so your one meg of texture cache is worth 6 megs of PS2 video ram, which after frame buffer and polygon data probably only has 1 meg of space left, which means six times as much texture data at one time for Gamecube than PS2, and like the PS2 thats not all you can use, you can constantly streem more textures from the DVD or from ram, only in gameucbe its a lot less complicated...

"With PS2 you have to write the code to do a lot of that stuff. But that\'s the trick behind it," says Gregory P. Zeschuk, president and CEO of Bioware, which created MDK2 for Dreamcast and is now bringing the title to PS2. "On the one hand the downside is that it\'s not done for you. On the upside, if it\'s not done for you then you can do it yourself, and potentially better -- more specialized to what your specific application is. So it\'s really a double-edged sword. That\'s the mystery of the system."...
Still though, to have access to multi-texturing features from the beginning versus having to fight through code for the process is a definite advantage for developers hoping to create timely software. "Yes, it\'s very nice that Nintendo Gamecube can do eight layers in one pass. It\'s all set up for you. Believe me, I would have loved it," says Jason Rubin of Naughty Dog. "But we\'ll have eight-pass techniques done on PlayStation 2 by the time we\'re done with our first game. So it\'s automatically done on Gamecube, but we\'ve got the same techniques. Yes, they take more time and yes they take more CPU power, but here we go again -- [PS2] is a more powerful CPU so who cares? In the end you break even."

 I jsut don\'t see how my statements seem ridiculas, the PS2 isn\'t as powerful in almost every way to the other two consoles...

Nintendo said:"GameCube and PS2 are indistinguishable in some area,while GC is better in others...but they omitted to say that PS2 can do something better than the GC thanks to the Emotion Engine!

...and the Dreamcast can almsot match it in some areas like texturing. Thats reality...

NOPE...that\'s what you see now...it\'s not reality!...

, its also just graphics, games are what count, and great games are what I\'m waiting for before I spend $300 on a PS2, and whats on it right now just doesn\'t cut it for me.

AGREED...look at one of the best game ever=Shenmue...I\'m playing it:D

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Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!

Offline BizioEE

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« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2001, 06:06:45 AM »
OPS :)...excuse me for the BIG confusion...but...I used "text bold" in my "reply-lines"...what\'s wrong...it doesn\'t work...help me:)...
He has the power of both worlds
Girl: What power… beyond my expectations?
Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!

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« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2001, 06:54:19 AM »
GC and PS2 will probably be the two left standing. Nobody will buy the Xbox because it\'ll be one huge failure. Period.
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« Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 11:12:14 AM by Chic »
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and the debate goes on.........

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« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2001, 07:17:01 AM »
Wow ! this msxbox forum really looks alot like psx2 central !!!
It\'s over Johnny, It\'s Over


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