well I agree with Ethugg, it\'s all about the games, BUT, it does feel good when the sytem you support looks sweet along with having good games. now just to plz the croud I\'m gonna post my fav\'s looking system to my most hated looking system.
from best (1) to worst
1. PS2 (very inovative, and there is nothing like it anywhere, plus the vert option is amazingly original)
2. DC (Black Sports Version) -nice and sleek, but a little too boxy.
3. GC (by far uglier then the X-Box, but at least it is inovative, so I think it deserves a better score then X-Box just for the new console apearence.
4. X-Box (too dull and un-original) - the looks are not all that bad but we\'ve seen it a hundred times and queit frankly I\'m bored to **** with that look.