It all started WAY WAY back when they had 32-bit and mega cd, THey Both flopped, Sega always tryed to bring new stuff out first , like with Saturn which was way be4 the psx! saturn started badly with poorish games but where very GRapicly Advached then ! And Sega lost its respect from normal customers and people started buying psx when it came out, Saturn did have some cool game son it at the end, PAnzer Dragoon SAGA , Shinning force part 3 ! OWNED! But it was to late ! Sega\'s Image was All dirty and no one wanted to touch umm, So why did they CHnage there Image ! Coz they had to , Sega= Dreamcast ! changing the name was a good step ! When the normal jo saw sega he thought "crap saturn machine" Dreamcast was new and young, Looked good ! BUt Sega pLAnned IT! They had online stuff ready ! not at the start but soon on ! SLowly Sega HAs rebuilt its Image and Now is the leading Super COnsle Seller, OI DUmb foools! There cutting production next yr to save cash! they have Drawn UP a Contract for a smaller company to start reproducing them if sega countines to have this crip on the super consle market! DC IS NOT DEAD! ITS ALIVE AND BEATING PS2 EZ!!!!!!!! So wake up !I got ps2 for 300 squid which is pounds ! be4 my Dreamcast, I thought Dreamcast was good but not worth getting, Well i got one ! lol And my ps2 got packed away ! i never touched it since , That was 3 months ago, And i get all games out in EU coz i work for BlockBuster and they get all best games and staff get them free so i had them all out and there all pretty crap atm. So WAKE U!P Sorry i am just angry at foools who know nothing !!!gRrrrr
Draka ^ Out!