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Author Topic: The console war is going to go like this  (Read 2632 times)

Offline Nplayer-2
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The console war is going to go like this
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2001, 04:25:44 PM »

Since Nintendo games will be crap(according to you) don\'t worry, you will still find sega games on the nintendo system:D...so there is something for everybody.


"was the worst console failure SINCE the atari"

i did not say THE worst..get your facts straight.
. I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, in terms of ingenuity, exclusivity, and console competition, X-Box brings nothing to the table except a fat wad of cash and some rehashed PC components wrapped with a DC controller and a plastic black box.----RYU

\"With Windows 95, we were standing on the edge of a cliff. With Windows 98, we took a big step forward.\" -- Bill Gates

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The console war is going to go like this
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2001, 06:24:37 PM »
atari jaguar - 1993 --- Saturn 1995 (America)

Virtual boy (after jaguar)
AmigaCd32 (after jaguar)
NeoGeo Pocket Color (after jaguar)

Still not the worst.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

Offline Ashford
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The console war is going to go like this
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2001, 11:02:57 PM »
"The PS2 is a console that has just taken over my mind...lol "

It\'s not hard to invade and conquer a country where the citizens have long been extinct.

"with a 15+million user-base by fall2001"

Stop pulling numbers out of your a$$.

"not just "games" but "great games" such examples like MGS2 and GT3"

Once again, a Sony lamer touting the same 2 games over and over.

Get some original material.
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

Offline Dwarrior
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The console war is going to go like this
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2001, 12:38:52 AM »
Originally posted by Nplayer-2
let me start with sega:

The sega empire was dead long ago, the saturn was the worst console failure since the american atari..they supported it to the bitter end(and they should get credit for that)..they lost millions upon millions of dollars, but some how some way they lived to fight another day...in comes the sega dreamcast.

The dreamcast lived up to segas expectations..at launch that is...shortly after it\'s sales were FAR FAR below expectations, the software was mostly AAA yet sales NEVER came close to what sega needed to break even...and that\'s not the end of it, sony\'s sleek black console came in october and created demand so high it might never be seen again(until PS3 of coarse;))...then shortly after sega gave up..in november they started talkes with all the console makers to make deals for games...and sega as well as the dreamcast were offically dead..

Today sega software looks to be one of the biggest third party\'s ever...maybe even giving EA good competition, their future is clear:

1)make tons of software(expect many below average games)
2)sell them on sony\'s nintendo\'s and to a lower extent xbox to make as money as they can
3)get out of debt..if that\'s possible
4)get some respect back and be a happy company that provides gamers with great software.


This company\'s CEO(hiroshi yamauchi) may sound like a mad man some times, but when he talks about the gaming industry he is right most of the time...Nintendo has had 2 successful consoles(the NES and SNES)..but it\'s arrogance is what turned the N64 into a loser. Now don\'t get me wrong, i have a N64 and don\'t regret getting one....but nintendo lost MUCH of it\'s respect to the japanese and lost many third partys...

That failure was a wake up call for them, and i\'m glad it happened, it made a smarter nintendo..a nintendo that knows it CANNOT run the gaming industry any more..instead they now know they have to share it with SONY.....and they know they CANNOT bully developers into making exclusive games for it\'s console...they know they cannot charge outrageous ammounts of money for it\'s new media(miniDVD)....

Today nintendo\'s goal is simple...make very fun games for EVERYONE and make lots of money doing it....make a simple console that is very easy to use..

Nintendo\'s future is like this:

1)Make great games
2)make games for the 18+ market
3)establish the MiniDVD format as a standard(come on it\'s cool;))
4)sell as many consoles as they can and get a respectable 2 place in the console race.
5)they will be a huge part in on-line gaming....with pokemon on-line and mario kart on-line...they will help make on-line gaming a standard for home consoles
6)continue to hold the hand-held market with a iron fist and never letting go.

And now it\'s time for Microsoft:

First let me start off by saying the xbox sucks.

This company\'s goal is simple...prevent sony from ever making the Playstation(2 3 4 whatever) from taking over the living room...why? because the PC is in it\'s last days and the future has nothing to do with the miserable wintel monopoly......

The PS2 IS going to be the start of a revolution...as too what part the PS2 plays is any ones guess, but one thing is clear..it\'s to establish the PS2(or the playstation/sony brand name) as the new computer....Ken kutaragi said the future for SCEI involves a  NEW OS and ULTRA POWERFULL hardware that lets people do everything the could ever imagine on their hardware...why should microsoft fear this?...it has NOTHING to do with wintel.

Microsoft is scared stiff at the thought of what sony can do....sony beat them to the living and they had to do something to stop them..how would they go about this?...in comes xbox.

Even tho microsoft says it\'s intentions for the xbox are "just games"...they are full of ****...it\'s never been about the games..it\'s been about how they could see their death in less than 15 years because of sony\'s control of the living room..because of the new OS that can destroy windows(think of a trojan horse;))...because of how a console can topple the PC almost over-night...

that\'s why microsoft is here.


first this is a piece of hardware which is a big disappointment to gamers all over the globe.....it\'s gamestock show was a joke, showing software that looks below PS2 levels and barely passes DC software in terms of graphics...strike one for xbox

Games are pretty damn mediocre to say the least, HALO is a joke, why? no mouse or keyboard support...it\'s going to be at 640 resolution..and the gameplay is nothing revolutionary or new....NFL fever does not come close to the master piece which is madden or NFLK franchises...the other games are all PC ports which will be better on the PC..strike two.

Timing....if they think they will beat sony they need to get off that cronic they are smoking...with a 15+million user-base by fall2001 with the huge number of games for the PS2..with the GCN launching right next to it at launch...this thing has no chance in hell of winning in any territory...stirke three.

xbox future is like this:

1)DOA japan
2)last place in europe,america
3)loose billions for microsoft and it\'s stock holders(stirke 4?;))
5)bring nothing new to use GAMERS(be it console or PC)...instead they will ripp-off games to try and establish it\'s self(there is already a mario party and soul reaver ripp-off)
6)after it\'s failure, microsoft will have to make a hard choice..continue to fight a war they cannot win...or try and take over the living some other way...they will get out of the console business.
7)xbox will be forgotten and insulted for years to come...deliver a blow to microsoft they will never recover from.

the grand champion for a second time..SONY

The PS2 is a console that has just taken over my mind...lol

This system is going to be the begging of the new computer age.....instead of big bulky windows-based PC...we will use small sleek and elegant sony made OS based systems with awesome power.....we will be able to do everything on these systems...the biggest advantge they will have will be the price...for a mere 300$ we will  have the power of supercomputers:D...and this power WILL be taken advantage because every system will be the same..or will they?;)

Not only that but the BB era will get a large push thanks to sony and it\'s playstation systems....in 5 years every person should have BB..thank in part to SONY.

with BB we will be able to download movies and music for a mere price of 100$ a year.

but that is only ONE part of the PS2....great eh?:D

There is games as well...not just "games" but "great games" such examples like MGS2 and GT3 show that the PS2 can hold it\'s own...and those games are only scratching the surface...

It has such large support games should be available for years and years to come...games for every kind of taste will be available...from sims to FPS...games will not be a problem....the only way SCEI\'s master plan will works is by getting the PS2 into every home possible..games will play 90% of that role...

internet,music,movies will take the other 10%...

PS2 future is like this:

1)rule the gaming market with a iron fist
2)establish sony as the new computer provider
3)establish sony CPU and GPU as the standard
4)pave the way for the PS3 revolution
5)sell 15+million by fall2001
6)will be the start of a new OS...a new computer platform...a new empire in computers.
7)will be enjoyed by 10\'s of millions of people around the globe.

Any questions?:D

    So what you are saying is that you suck Sony\'s ****?

    Thats nice for you, but I could care less.  I mean you should really keep that queer crap in the closet.

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The console war is going to go like this
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2001, 01:31:02 AM »
Oh nooo! You got burned by Docwiz!

 You know your pathetic when Docwiz burns you...


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