I agree that car damage should have been put in. There is no excuse for that, not today with this system. It couldn\'t have been THAT tough to get permission for it. How many other games managed to do it?
But, there is a tougher setting in which you can get "Professional" mode, in which cars don\'t just ignore you, you actually have to race. Why is it a non-factor in most arguments?: It requires something special to bring it forth. I think someone told me it was a code, or something.
I didn\'t get the game, but I know many who did. At first I was going to, even though I don\'t like "racing" or "car" games, but changed my mind. I didn\'t want to be a graphics whore, and that would\'ve been the only reason to get it for me.
Not to stray too far from the original topic, though, I don\'t think that game developers, especially the devs of our favorite franchises will take this directive too seriously. How on earth could you if you were a dev? Does Sony honestly think that people will set it in their minds before making a game, "Let\'s make the shiniest turd possible, and hope its only good point is its graphics"? Or does everyone reading this directive think that this is Sony\'s intent? To just churn out the crap that looks great?
I dunno. I guess we will see in the future who takes it seriously and who doesn\'t.
I think it would\'ve been in Sony\'s best interest to just keep their mouths shut. Let nature take its course, man! The game\'s visuals will get better, and so will their gameplay. Look to some of the future releases and you will see.