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Author Topic: Biggest week in videogame history!!!!!!"  (Read 2157 times)

Offline AlteredBeast
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« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2001, 11:14:24 AM »
Halo\'s controls are supposed to be extremely intuitive. It is also supposed to be shooter of year.

Star Wars - thought the PS2 one was crap. This will be crap too.

Project Gotham (not trying to be or beat GT3, it is a different form of racing game, and from what IGN says, a damn good one)

DOA3 - who cares.

Oddworld (really, you have played a 3D oddworld game?!?! where!?!?)

NFL Fever - series previously unseen on this console.

THPS2X (5 new levels, all the 1st games levels, all tricks and secrent characters, this game is like a THPS anthology, I will be getting it, no doubt about it)

Air Force Delta Storm (who cares abut sales. It is how the game plays, and this one looks like it plays excellent)

Go ahead and continue the list if you want, but I think I have proved my point.

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Offline IronFist
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« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2001, 11:21:18 AM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
*AlteredBeast looks at PS2 launch list*
*AlteredBeast looks at Toxical\'s comment*
*AlteredBeast laughs*

you have got to be joking! It looks like the same games with better graphics?!?!

The PS2 launch was FILLED with sequels of PSX games with hardly a touch of improvement. X-Box has the most unseen by consoles games there. Sure it has Munch Even though it is completely different, it seems, than past Abe games), DOA3, and Madden, etc. but it also has Halo, Fuzion Frenzy, Project Gotham, etc.

I posted this in a different thread when I was debating with Docwiz, so I\'ll just quote it:
I have a question. Why did you leave out lots of great PS2 launch games? Here is a better comparison:

Project Gotham...................................Ridge Racer V
NFL Fever/Madden 2002.....................Madden 2001

***Note: Amped and Ridge Racer V are not really known as being great launch games, but I included them to show how similar the two launches really are.

Other than those great games, the rest of the games in both launches are less-than-stellar. So why is the Xbox launch is so much better than the PS2 launch was? Oh yeah. Because the PS2 launch was a whole year ago. :rolleyes:

The Xbox launch games are not as great as you are making them out to be Altered.  It\'s almost like the PS2 launch with better graphics, and remember what you think about the PS2 launch? (read the red part of my sig).
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« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2001, 12:10:53 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast

Oddworld (really, you have played a 3D oddworld game?!?! where!?!?)

I did not mean i played this particular title ;)
I meant to say this game isn\'t super original/ground-breaking/system selling.

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« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2001, 12:24:46 PM »
The difference, Ironfist, is that many of the other games (and some of those) sucked ass becaue they were rushed, or merely graphics-upped versions of PS2 titles.

THPS2X is adding a ton.
Oddworld has gone 3D
Halo just sounds great (I HATED TS\'s controls, so pointless, MoH controls are the best EVER!)
Madden 2002 and NFL Fever have both been given adequate time to be finished and such.
DOA3 I am sure is an instant classic if you care about those type of things.
Fuzion Frenzy is a party game, I don\'t remember any on PS2 at launch (or even now for that matter)


PS2 launched sucked ass, I will reiterate that fact. X-Box is nothing to shake a fist at, but it is sizeably better than PS2\'s. Dreamcast or Saturn remain as the greatest launches of all time!

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Offline EmperorRob
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« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2001, 01:15:58 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
DOA3 - who cares.
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« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2001, 01:37:27 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
The difference, Ironfist, is that many of the other games (and some of those) sucked ass becaue they were rushed, or merely graphics-upped versions of PS2 titles.

And I guess the PS2 games weren\'t rushed at all.  You are justifying the Xbox launch suckiness by saying the games were rushed, yet you are completely ignoring the fact that the PS2 games were even more rushed on a harder to develope system.

There are a few great titles, and then there is crap for both launches.  Do you know where I could find a full list of Xbox launch games?  Has Microsoft even released that yet?  I want to show you how much trash there really is.  There are like 15 launch games from what I\'ve heard.  A handful of games are talked about, and the rest, well, are not.  They are garbage just like the garbage games for the PS2 launch.

THPS2X is adding a ton.

But with THPS3 coming to both the PS2 and NGC, THPS2X doesn\'t seem that great.
Oddworld has gone 3D

And it is kind of flawed because of it.  It is not getting awful reviews, but it isn\'t getting good ones either.  From what I\'ve heard, it gets repetitive.  (go read a review to see what I mean)  It would not be considered a game to remember, or a system seller by any means.
Halo just sounds great (I HATED TS\'s controls, so pointless, MoH controls are the best EVER!)

How are Halo\'s controls any different from TS\'s?  Oh yeah, you have to take your finger off the right analog stick in order to jump, making it almost impossible to do cool jump/turning moves.  I don\'t see how Halo\'s controls are intuitive.

And IMO, TS\'s controls are the best for a console ever.  The R analog is like the mouse, and the left analog is like the keyboard.  It was easy going from a PC FPS player to a console FPS player because of the good control setup.  And you do know that the TS controls were customizable don\'t you?

Madden 2002 and NFL Fever have both been given adequate time to be finished and such.

So?  I don\'t see what you\'re getting at here.  The PS2 already has Madden 2002, and it will be getting NFL 2k2 soon.  And at the PS2 launch, we got Madden 2001.  How do these two football games make the Xbox launch good?
DOA3 I am sure is an instant classic if you care about those type of things.

Yeah, and DOA2:HC was an instant classic if you care about those type of things.  But the thing is, most of us don\'t like the DOA series.  The only reason DOA3 would become a classic is because of a lack of better games on the Xbox.

EDIT: Sorry Emperor, but I am not that big on the DOA series.  But it\'s fine if you are.

Fuzion Frenzy is a party game, I don\'t remember any on PS2 at launch (or even now for that matter)
So has this game been getting good reviews?  If not, then it\'s just like the PS2 launch\'s "Summoner."  It is a game that isn\'t that good, but the other launch doesn\'t have anything to match it.  

How many people have even heard of Fuzion Frenzy?  How many people are getting it on launch, or ever really?  How many TV ads have you seen for this game?  Fuzion Frenzy is not really a system seller, and it doesn\'t really make the Xbox launch good.

IMO, the Xbox launch is not any better than the PS2 launch.  That is kind of pathetic given the circumstances (the Xbox is much easier to program for, and the developers had more time to developer for it).  Buying an Xbox right now would be a waste of money IMO.  The only game for the Xbox that even interests me is the over-hyped Halo (the graphics are not nearly as good as people are making them out to be).  For the most part, buying an Xbox now would be getting the same things we got last year on the PS2 just with better graphics.
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« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2001, 01:49:07 PM »
How are Halo\'s controls any different from TS\'s? Oh yeah, you have to take your finger off the right analog stick in order to jump, making it almost impossible to do cool jump/turning moves. I don\'t see how Halo\'s controls are intuitive.

And IMO, TS\'s controls are the best for a console ever. The R analog is like the mouse, and the left analog is like the keyboard. It was easy going from a PC FPS player to a console FPS player because of the good control setup. And you do know that the TS controls were customizable don\'t you?

The turn rate in all FPS\' using a controller is what bothers me the most.  If there is someone behind you, you can\'t do anything about it, you just kinda die.  That\'s also the part that gives me huge headaches because I can\'t look behind my back as fast as I want to.  In counter-strike, checking everywhere is a necessity and in a 2-player\\4-player deathmatch like Halo, I\'m sure it is there as well.  That\'s why I love Keyboard\\mouse combos because you can change the sensitivity as you seefit and make it fast or slow depending on your preference.

I also disagree that Timesplitters was the best controlling FPS... Medal of Honor led the way for how FPS\' should control on videogame consoles.  Even though I still don\'t like the controls for that game much either, the style of the game didn\'t irk me nearly as much as Halo, Red Faction, and Timesplitters does.
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« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2001, 02:02:41 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu
The turn rate in all FPS\' using a controller is what bothers me the most.  If there is someone behind you, you can\'t do anything about it, you just kinda die.  That\'s also the part that gives me huge headaches because I can\'t look behind my back as fast as I want to.  In counter-strike, checking everywhere is a necessity and in a 2-player\\4-player deathmatch like Halo, I\'m sure it is there as well.  That\'s why I love Keyboard\\mouse combos because you can change the sensitivity as you seefit and make it fast or slow depending on your preference.

Yeah.  That\'s why the mouse/keyboard setup will always be the winner.  I agree 100%.
I also disagree that Timesplitters was the best controlling FPS... Medal of Honor led the way for how FPS\' should control on videogame consoles.  Even though I still don\'t like the controls for that game much either, the style of the game didn\'t irk me nearly as much as Halo, Red Faction, and Timesplitters does.

I haven\'t ever played that game, but from what I\'ve heard, the left analog is the looking, and the right is the moving -- just opposite of Timesplitters default controls.  To me that sounds backwards, but I guess once you get used to it it could be good.  But I don\'t think I\'ll ever switch to that.  I love Timesplitters\' contols setup.  And you can always change your controls in Timesplitters to match MOH\'s. :)
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« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2001, 02:04:00 PM »
ummm, IronFist, I meant to say PSX and not PS2 in that quote. re-reread my post and now reply. I think you will see it makes more sense in both directions. sorry for the confusion.

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« Reply #24 on: November 12, 2001, 02:06:15 PM »
Originally posted by IronFist

IMO, the Xbox launch is not any better than the PS2 launch.  That is kind of pathetic given the circumstances (the Xbox is much easier to program for, and the developers had more time to developer for it).  Buying an Xbox right now would be a waste of money IMO.  The only game for the Xbox that even interests me is the over-hyped Halo (the graphics are not nearly as good as people are making them out to be).  For the most part, buying an Xbox now would be getting the same things we got last year on the PS2 just with better graphics.

I agree,

I\'m sure the XBox titles will get better in time as have the PS2 titles, but the launch isn\'t something to brag about, those titles are comparable to the PS2 launch titles. I guess that is the thing that bothers me, i was expecting way more... especially with the XBox\'s "theoretical" easy programming environment, and off the shelf components.  I guess somebody has been Nop\'ing too many idle loops in their code :nut:

There ain\'t too many games with the "drop your jaw" type of appeal. IMO.

The PS2 launch wasn\'t great, so i played DOA/TTT/SSX for the first month. It was a slow start from the gates, since it took more time to develop quality titles for the PS2... These titles are now appearing, so I’m quite happy with my PS2 purchase... took a while though,.. :)

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« Reply #25 on: November 12, 2001, 02:07:04 PM »
no you can\'t IronFist. Becaue the control in MoH were - d-pad for movement, left analog for camera, I believe.

That is the way it should be. It was darn near perfect. In Timesplitters and Red Faction, you cant even use those as an option. That is why MoH 3 has me more hyped than any FPS period.

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« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2001, 02:13:38 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
That is why MoH 3 has me more hyped than any FPS period.

Eric Jacob

Ture but now a days all the AAA titles no matter what platform has the high risk of being over hyped.

thats the price we pay for having near enough day to day news on the development of top notch games
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« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2001, 02:23:04 PM »
too true, double o, I am disappointed by many a game becaue I am spoiled by up to the minute coverage of it, praising it to high hell.

Which is one of the reason I avoid Shenmue news like the plague and MoH like Anthrax.

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« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2001, 02:27:40 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
no you can\'t IronFist. Becaue the control in MoH were - d-pad for movement, left analog for camera, I believe.

That is the way it should be. It was darn near perfect. In Timesplitters and Red Faction, you cant even use those as an option. That is why MoH 3 has me more hyped than any FPS period.

I don\'t understand.  You move with the dpad, then in order to look somewhere else, you would have to take your finger off the dpad and move it over to the L analog stick?  That can\'t be right, because that would really suck.

ummm, IronFist, I meant to say PSX and not PS2 in that quote. re-reread my post and now reply. I think you will see it makes more sense in both directions. sorry for the confusion.

That\'s what I thought at first, and I even wrote a responce to that if that was the case.  But then I over analized it until it made sense with PS2 being there. :)

So I\'ll post it again (but I have to hurry -- I have to leave soon)
The difference, Ironfist, is that many of the other games (and some of those) sucked ass becaue they were rushed, or merely graphics-upped versions of PSX titles.

The good games for the launch were all original titles -- not rehashes of PSX games.  Timesplitters, SSX, DOA2:HC, TTT, and even Madden 2001 (I think, but I\'m not sure about that one) were more than rehashes with better graphics.

What games on the PS2 launch were just PSX games with better graphics?  I really can\'t remember any.
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