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Author Topic: Nintendo is aming for short and kiddie games.  (Read 2650 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Nintendo is aming for short and kiddie games.
« Reply #30 on: December 13, 2001, 06:55:16 PM »
Originally posted by Dajo4
Jax and Dexter is too "kiddie" for me...
Happy now? I don\'t care what system it\'s on. They may be fun, I\'m just not intrested. That doesn\'t mean you can\'t enjoy it. Some people just don\'t like "kiddie" games. You can\'t say they are not gamers just because they don\'t like "kiddie" games. It\'s kinda like saying, you can\'t watch movies and enjoy them unless you watch Anime.... :rolleyes:

Some people love Anime some don\'t, who cares? Watch what you like. Play the games that YOU like.

Point taken and I\'ll clarify my point. Maybe I was being over generalistic or just not direct enough, but I was speaking about those who do nothing but constantly bash Nintendo because of the fact that they make gamers geared towards the younger audience or games without violence. I was speaking about those who do nothing but trash great games without giving them a chance, just because they are not "mature enough".  I understand the fact that some people prefer games with more mature themes and that is fine. I like those games also. However, there seems to be a general opinion among a lot of people that if a game doesn\'t have mature themes, it can\'t be deep or even fun to play, which is totally wrong.

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Nintendo is aming for short and kiddie games.
« Reply #31 on: December 16, 2001, 06:16:46 PM »
However, there seems to be a general opinion among a lot of people that if a game doesn\'t have mature themes, it can\'t be deep or even fun to play, which is totally wrong.

I agree with you there. Just the other night me and my cuz were playing some demos I got. And we were talking amongst ourselves, that it was kinda fun playing Kalota(or something) I\'m not sure on the name. Anyway, it\'s totally aimed towards children, but It was kinda fun running around in the worlds and checking out the graphics. But, as he and I both said, It\'s cool to play it on the demo and mess around with it. I\'m just not going to go and buy it, I myself am one that prefers more mature games. My favorite is sports games though, and those are fun for all ages. So I can see where your coming from.
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