This morning on my way to work, I walked past our local gamestore and kind of saw a big add out front:
Xbox: Console + 5 Games for CHF 449.--
1 Game overhere costs us CHF 99.-- and their selling the console with 5 games + the damn console for less the price than you would need for 5 games alone!
USD 1 = CHF 1.6
USD x = CHF 449
x = USD 280.6-
So, in other words, their selling the Xbox for 280 USDollars with 5 games. :eek:
Damn, the last time I saw prices fall that rapidly, it was in 1998 when PSX and N64 were competing. Due to sloppy sales, Nintendo was forced to drop the price more than a few times. Never did they drop it that low.. this, what Microsoft is doing, is pathetic, yet amazing deal.
I wonder how this will reflect on sales... I expect them to surpass PS2s for a few during this offer....