No I do not want to buy X-Box just because I have the money. There are quite a few X-Box exclusive games that I am interested in, but the reason I have doubt is because I invested alot of money into Dreamcast, and look where it got me. Ive been hearing alot about X-Box being the next Dreamcast, and I don\'t want that to happen.
Also, I have 25 PS2 games, so I have enough to keep me busy as I purchase X-Box games. Don\'t get me wronge, I still want more PS2 games, Im just trying to decide which I want more. Does your opinion still stand the same based on the information I have provided here, as I myself am still completly torn on what to do.
As of right now all I have is the money for the system. With Christmas coming that could change, and in the even that I recieve more money, I\'ve had my eye on Rallisport Challange, and with its $20 price tag, it looks in range. I would like to get Halo, but is it still priced at $50, if so thats gunna have to wait a paycheck or two, hehe. Im not really interesed in MechAssault since I don\'t have broadband for X-Box live (and I have the PS2 modem and online games for it anyways). While I might get flamed for a question like this since this isnt an X-Box forum, but do you know of any other games on X-Box priced at $30 or less as thats kinda the budget im looking at right now.